Magic Practice Number 9
The Money Magnet
The Money Magnet
- Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.
- Take any current unpaid bills you have, use gratitude’s magical power, and write across each one: Thank you for the money. Feel grateful for having the money to pay the bill, whether you have it or not.
- Take ten bills you’ve paid in the past, and write across the front of each one of them the magic words: Thank you – Paid.” Feel truly grateful that you had the money to pay the bill!
- Before you go to sleep, take your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.
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