Friday, June 13, 2014

Magic Practice Day 10

Magic Practice Number 10
Magic Dust Everyone

  1. Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.
  2. Today, sprinkle magic dust on ten people who perform services you benefit from, by thanking them directly or otherwise by mentally acknowledging and thanking them. Feel grateful to them for the service they perform!
  3. Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.
  4. Read through tomorrow’s practice today, because the practice for Day 11 begins when you first wake up.

Day 10 Magic Dust Everyone

Day 10
Magic Dust Everyone

“No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.”
Saint Ambrose (AD 340–397)

Ancient spiritual teachings say that what we give to another person with a full heart returns to us a hundredfold. So being grateful and saying thank you to another person for anything you receive from them is not only urgent, it’s vital to improving your life!

Gratitude is a powerful energy, and so whomever you direct gratitude’s energy toward, that’s where it goes. If you think of gratitude’s energy looking like sparkling magic dust, then when you express gratitude to another person in return for something you’ve received from them, you are literally sprinkling them with that magic dust! The powerful, positive energy in magic dust reaches and affects whomever you sprinkle it on.
Most of us make contact with many people every day, whether on the phone, through email, or face to face at work, in stores, restaurants, elevators, buses, or trains, and in many cases the people we make contact with deserve our gratitude, because we are receiving something from them.

Think about the people you encounter on a typical day who provide you with some kind of service, like those working in stores or restaurants, bus or cab drivers, customer service people, cleaners, or the staff at your work. The people who work in service are giving themselves to serve you, and you’re receiving their service. If you don’t say thank you in return for their service, then you’re not being grateful, and you’re stopping the good from coming into your life.

Think about the maintenance workers who keep our transport systems working safely, and those who maintain the service of utilities such as electricity, gas, water, and our roads. Think about the cleaners of the world who clean our streets, public bathrooms, trains, buses, airplanes, hospitals, restaurants, supermarkets, and office buildings. You can’t personally say thank you to all of them, but you can sprinkle them with magic dust by saying thank you next time you pass one of them. And you can be grateful next time you sit at your clean desk, or walk on a clean sidewalk, or across a polished floor.

When you’re at a café or restaurant, sprinkle magic dust by saying thank you to each person as they serve you. Whether cleaning the table, giving you the menu, receiving your order, filling your glass with water, serving the meal you ordered, clearing the table, giving you the bill, or giving your change, remember to say thank you every single time. If you’re in a store or supermarket checkout, sprinkle magic dust and say thank you to the person who serves you or packs your groceries.

If you are traveling by plane, sprinkle magic dust by saying thank you to the check-in people, the people in security, the person who checks your ticket as you board, and the cabin crew who greet you as you enter the plane. During the flight, say thank you to the cabin crew every time they perform a service for you. Serving drinks and food or removing your plate or trash is a service. The airline thanks you for flying with them, the captain thanks you, and the crew thank you, so do the same and thank them as you leave the plane. And every time you take off and land at your destination say thank you, because the fact that you can fly is an absolute miracle!

Be grateful to those people who assist you in your work, whether they are clerical staff, receptionists, canteen staff, cleaners, customer service people, or any of your work colleagues. Magic dust them all with thank you! All of them are doing you a service, and they deserve your continued gratitude in return.
Store assistants, waiters, and waitresses work very hard to serve people. They have chosen a job to serve other people, and serving the public means encountering all kinds of people in varying moods, including those who are ungrateful. Next time you are being served by another person, remember that the person who is serving you is a precious daughter or son to parents, an irreplaceable brother or sister to siblings, a mother or father to a family and children, and a loved and adored partner or friend, and they deserve your kindness and patience.

At times you may encounter a person in service who behaves rudely toward you or doesn’t give you the attention you think you deserve. It may be more challenging to be grateful in these situations, but your gratitude cannot be dependent on another person’s behavior. Choose to be grateful no matter what!
Choose magic in your life no matter what! It might help you to remember that you don’t know what difficulty someone might be going through at the time you connect with him or her. They may be feeling unwell, they may have just lost a loved one, their marriage might have just ended, or they may be in desperation and at a tipping point in their life. Your gratitude and kindness might be the most magical thing that happens to them that day.

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
Philo of Alexandria (circa 20 BC–AD 50)

If you thank someone on the phone for his or her help, don’t throw away your thank you; instead, give the reason why you’re grateful. For example, “Thank you for your help.” “Thank you for going out of your way for me.” “Thank you for giving me so much of your time.” “Thank you for resolving the situation for me, I’m very grateful to you.” You will be amazed at the response from the other person when you do this one simple thing, because they will feel your sincerity.

When you say thank you to someone in person, look at his or her face. They will not feel your gratitude or receive your magic dust unless you look directly at them. You’ve wasted an opportunity to help that person and to change your own life if you say thank you to the air, or say thank you as you’re looking down, or thank you while you’re on your cell phone, because you’re not really sincere when you do that.

A couple of years ago I was in a store buying a gift for my sister. The store assistant who served me listened to what I was looking for, and then went on a search for the perfect gift as though it was for her sister! As the store assistant handed me the bag containing the perfect, beautifully wrapped gift, I received a call on my cell phone. I was finishing the call when I reached the front entrance of the store, and suddenly an unsettled feeling swept over me. I immediately returned to the store assistant who had helped me, and I not only thanked her, but I told her all the reasons why I was grateful to her, and how much I appreciated everything she did for me. I showered her with gratitude’s magic dust! Her eyes filled with tears, and the biggest smile you’ve ever seen swept across her face.

Every action always has an equal reaction. If you really mean it when you say thank you, the other person will feel it, and you will not only have made another person feel really good, but your gratitude will fill you with an indescribable happiness. That day I walked out of the store indescribably happy.

I don’t use magic dust only for the people who serve; I use gratitude’s magic dust in all kinds of situations. When I say goodbye to my daughter before she drives to her home, I feel gratitude for her having arrived home safely, and I wave my fingers in the air and imagine sprinkling magic dust over her and her car. Sometimes I sprinkle magic dust on my computer before I begin a new project, or sprinkle magic dust ahead of me before I walk into a store to look for something in particular that I need. My daughter uses magic dust when she’s driving, and if she sees another driver who seems to be stressed and is speeding, she sprinkles magic dust over them to help make them feel better and keep them safe.

Today, take gratitude’s magic dust with you for the people who work in service, and look for every opportunity you can to sprinkle magic dust on everyone by saying thank you. Thank at least ten people who perform different services you benefit from today. It doesn’t matter if you don’t get the opportunity to do it in person; you can mentally acknowledge the people whose service you benefit from. The magic dust will still reach them. As an example, mentally say to yourself:

I’m really grateful to the cleaners who work through the early hours of the morning, making sure that the streets are cleaned of trash every day. I’ve never really thought about how grateful I am for that service, which is done like clockwork every day. Thank you. Make sure you keep count of the people in service you are grateful for, so that you know when you have thanked ten different people for their services and sprinkled magic dust on them all. If you imagine the sparkling magic dust falling over people when you thank them, you have a picture of what really happens in the invisible with the power of gratitude. With this picture in your mind, it will help you to believe and know that the magic dust of gratitude really does reach people, and that it will be available to help them to improve their lives. And every time you sprinkle magic dust over another person, it also returns to you in your own life.

If you’re at home today, then sit down with a pen and journal or on your computer, and go back in your mind recalling instances where people in service went out of their way for you. It may have been someone on the phone, or it may have been a tradesperson who was determined to resolve a problem for you. Maybe you’ve received great service from your mail person, the trash collectors or recycling companies, or local store assistants. Make a written list of ten instances where people in service helped you, and send magic dust by saying thank you to every one of them.

Magic Reminder
Read through tomorrow’s practice today, because the practice for Day 11 begins when you first wake up.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Magic Practice Day 9

Magic Practice Number 9
The Money Magnet

  1. Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.
  2. Take any current unpaid bills you have, use gratitude’s magical power, and write across each one: Thank you for the money. Feel grateful for having the money to pay the bill, whether you have it or not.
  3. Take ten bills you’ve paid in the past, and write across the front of each one of them the magic words: Thank you – Paid.” Feel truly grateful that you had the money to pay the bill!
  4. Before you go to sleep, take your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

Day 9 The Money Magnet

“It is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906–1945)

Gratitude is riches and complaint is poverty; it’s the golden rule of your whole life, whether it’s your health, job, relationships, or money. The more grateful you can be for the money you have, even if you don’t have very much, the more riches you will receive. And the more you complain about money, the poorer you will become.

Today’s magical practice turns one of the biggest reasons people complain about money into an act of gratitude, and so it has double the power to change the circumstances of your money; you’ll be replacing a complaint, which makes you poorer, with gratitude, which magically brings you riches.

Most people wouldn’t think they complain about money, but if there is a lack of money in their life they are complaining without realizing it. Complaining happens through people’s thoughts as well as their words, and most people aren’t aware of the many thoughts in their head. Any complaining, negative, jealous, or worried thoughts or words about money are literally creating poverty. And of course the biggest complaints come when money has to be paid out.

If you don’t have enough money, paying your bills can be one of the most difficult things to do. It can seem like there is a greater stream of bills than there is money to pay them. But if you complain about your bills then what you are really doing is complaining about money, and complaining keeps you in poverty.

If you don’t have enough money, the last thing you would normally do is feel grateful for your bills, but in fact that’s exactly what you have to do to receive more money in your life. To have a rich life, you must be rateful for everything to do with money, and begrudging your bills is not being grateful. You must do the exact opposite, which is to be grateful for the goods or services you’ve received from those who billed you. It is such a simple thing to do, but it will have a monumental effect on the money in your life. You will literally become a money magnet!

To be grateful for a bill, think about how much you’ve benefited from the service or goods on the bill. If it’s payment for rent or a mortgage, be grateful that you have a home, and you’re living in it. What if the only way you could live in a home was by saving up all the money and paying cash for it? What if there was no such thing as lending institutions or places to rent? Most of us would be living on the streets, so be grateful to the lending institutions or your landlord, because they have made it possible for you to live in a home or apartment.

If you’re paying a bill for gas or electricity, think about the heating or cooling you received, the hot showers, and every appliance you were able to use because of the service. If you’re paying a phone or Internet bill, imagine how difficult your life would be if you had to travel vast distances to talk to each person individually. Think about how many times you’ve been able to call family and friends, send and receive emails, or access information instantly through the Internet because of your service provider. All of these remarkable services are at your fingertips, so be grateful for them, and be grateful that the companies trust you by providing their services before you have paid for them.

Ever since I discovered the phenomenal power of gratitude, I write the magic words, “Thank you – Paid,” on every bill as I pay it, and I never miss a single one. At the beginning, when I didn’t have the money to pay a bill, I would still use gratitude’s magical power, and would instead write across the bill, “Thank you for the money.” Then when I had the money to pay it, I would add, “Thank you – Paid.”

Today you are going to do the same. Take any currently unpaid bills you have, and use gratitude’s magical power by writing across them, “Thank you for the money,” and feel grateful for having the money to pay the bill, whether you have it or not. If you receive and pay most of your bills online, then when you receive an online bill forward it to yourself as an email and write in the subject line in capital bold letters, THANK YOU FOR THE MONEY.

Next, find ten bills you’ve paid in the past and write across the front of each one the magic words, “Thank you – Paid.” As you write on each paid bill, feel as grateful as you possibly can that you had the money to pay the bill. The more gratitude you can harness for the bills you’ve paid, the more money you will magically magnetize to you!

From this day forward, you could make it your regular practice that whenever you pay a bill, you briefly think about the great service you’ve received from the bill, and write across the face of the bill the magic words, “Thank you – Paid.” And if you don’t have the money to pay a bill, use gratitude’s magical power and write, “Thank you for the money,” and feel as if you’re saying thank you because you have the money to pay the bill!

Feeling gratitude for the money you’ve paid out guarantees you will receive more. Gratitude is like a magnetic golden thread attached to your money, so when you pay money out, the money always returns to you, sometimes equally, sometimes tenfold, sometimes a hundredfold. The abundance you receive back depends not on how much money you give, but on how much gratitude you give. You could have so much gratitude when you pay a bill for fifty dollars that you could receive back hundreds of dollars.



Sunday, June 8, 2014

Magic Practice Day 8

Magic Practice Number 8
The Magic Ingredient

  1. Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.
  2. Before you eat or drink anything today, take a moment to look at what you’re about to eat or drink, and in your mind or out loud, say the magic words, thank you! If you want you can sprinkle your food or drink with magic dust.
  3. Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during
  4. the day.

Day 8 The Magic Ingredient

Day 8
The Magic Ingredient

“A thankful heart hath a continual feast.”
W. J. Cameron (1879–1953)

Giving thanks for food before you eat is a tradition that has been followed for thousands of years, dating back to the ancient Egyptians. With the fast pace of life in the twenty-first century, taking the time to give thanks for a meal has more often than not been left behind. But using the simple act of eating and drinking as an opportunity to be grateful will increase the magic in your life exponentially!

If you think about a time when you were really hungry, you will remember that you could not think or function normally, your body felt weak, you might have started to tremble, your mind became confused, and your feelings plummeted. All of this can happen after not eating for just a few hours! You need food to
live, to think, and to feel good, and so there is a great deal to be grateful for about food.

To feel even more gratitude for food, take a moment and think about all the people who contributed to you having food to eat. For you to eat fresh fruit and vegetables, the growers had to plant and nurture the fruit and vegetables with continuous watering, protecting them over many months until they were ready for harvesting. Then there are the pickers, the packers, and the distributors, and the transportation people who drive enormous distances day and night, all of them working together in perfect harmony to ensure that every fruit and vegetable is delivered fresh to you, and is available year round.

Think about the meat growers, fishermen, dairy farmers, coffee and tea growers, and all the packaged food companies who work tirelessly to produce the food we eat. The world’s food production is a breathtaking orchestration that takes place every day, and it’s unfathomable that it all works when you think about the number of people involved in maintaining the world’s food and drink supplies to stores, restaurants, supermarkets, cafés, airplanes, schools, hospitals, and every home on the planet.

Food is a gift! It’s a gift of nature, because there would be nothing for any of us to eat if nature didn’t supply us with the soil, nutrients, and water to grow food. Without water, there would be no food, vegetation, animals, or human life. We use water to cook our meals, grow our food, maintain our gardens, supply our bathrooms, sustain every vehicle that moves, support our hospitals, fuel, mining, and manufacturing industries, enable transportation, make our roads, make clothes and every consumer product and appliance on the planet, make plastic, glass, and metal, make life-saving medications, and build our homes and every other building and structure. And water keeps our bodies alive. Water, water, water, glorious water!

“If there is magic on this planet it is contained in water.”
Loren Eiseley (1907–1977)

Where would we be without food and water? We simply wouldn’t be here. None of our family or friends would be here either. We wouldn’t have this day, or any tomorrow. But here we are on this beautiful planet together, living life with its challenges and ecstatic joys, because of nature’s gifts of food and water!

To say the simple, magic words, thank you, before you eat or drink anything is an act of recognition and gratitude for the miracle of food and water. The incredible thing is that when you are grateful for food and water, it doesn’t just affect your life; your gratitude also impacts the world’s supply. If enough people felt gratitude for food and water, it would actually help the people who are starving and in great need. By the law of the attraction, and Newton’s law of action and reaction, the action of mass gratitude must produce an equal mass reaction, which would change the circumstances of scarcity of food and water for everyone on the planet.

In addition, your gratitude for food and water keeps the magic continuing in your life, and it will weave its glorious golden thread through everything that is dear to you, everything that you love, and everything that you’re dreaming of.

In ancient times people believed that when they blessed their food and water with gratitude it purified whatever they were blessing, and when you look at the theories and discoveries that quantum physics have made in recent times, such as the observer effect, the ancients may very well have been right. The observer effect in quantum physics refers to changes that the act of observation makes on whatever is being observed. Imagine if focusing gratitude on your food and drinks changed their energy structure, and purified them so that everything you consumed had the ultimate effect of well-being on your body?

One of the ways to experience the magic of gratitude instantly with food and drinks is to really savor what you’re eating or drinking. When you savor your food or drinks you’re appreciating them, or being grateful. As an experiment, next time you’re in the middle of eating food or drinking any liquid, when you take a mouthful, concentrate on the taste of the food in your mouth or the flavor of the liquid before you swallow it. You’ll find that when you focus on the food or drink in your mouth, and savor it, the flavors seem to explode, and when you don’t focus the flavors weaken dramatically. It’s your energy of focus and gratitude that instantly enhances the flavor!

Before you eat or drink anything today, whether you’re about to eat a meal, a piece of fruit, or a snack, or have a drink of anything, including water, take a moment to look at what you’re about to eat or drink, and in your mind or out loud say the magic words, thank you! And if you can, just take one mouthful really savoring it; it will not only increase your enjoyment, it will help you to feel far more gratitude.

You can also try something I do, which helps me to feel even more gratitude. When I say the magic words, I wave my fingers over my food or drink as though I’m sprinkling them with magic dust, and I imagine that the magic dust instantly purifies everything it touches. Doing this has helped me really feel that gratitude is the magic ingredient, and I want to add it to everything I eat and drink! If you find it more effective you can imagine that you have a shaker of magic dust in your hand, and you’re shaking the magic dust out of the shaker all over your food before you eat it, and into every drink.

If at any time during the day you forget to say the magic words, thank you, before you eat or drink anything, as soon as you remember, close your eyes, go back in your mind to the time when you forgot, visualize yourself in your mind for a second or two before you ate or drank, and say the magic words. If you forget to be grateful for food and drinks multiple times in the day, then repeat this same practice tomorrow. You can’t afford to miss a single day in building your gratitude – your dreams depend upon it!

Being grateful for the simple things in life, like food and water, is one of the deepest expressions of gratitude, and when you can feel that degree of gratitude, you will see the magic happen.



Thursday, June 5, 2014

Magic Practice Day 7

Magic Practice Number 7
The Magical Way Out of Negativity

  1. Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.
  2. Choose one problem or negative situation in your life that you most want to resolve.
  3. List ten things that you are grateful for about the negative situation.
  4. At the end of your list, write: Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the perfect resolution.
  5. Just for today, see if you can get through one day without saying anything negative. If you notice yourself thinking or saying something negative, use the magic lifeline. Stop immediately and say: But I have to say that I am really grateful for .
  6. Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

Day 7 The Magical Way Out of Negativity

Day 7
The Magical Way Out of Negativity

“A thankful person is thankful under all circumstances.”
Bahá’u’lláh (1817–1892)

Whether it’s a relationship in turmoil, financial pressure, a lack of health, or problems in a job, negative situations arise because of a lack of gratitude over a long period of time. If we are not grateful for each thing in our lives, we are unintentionally taking those things for granted. Taking things for granted is a major cause of negativity, because when we take things for granted we are not giving thanks in return, and we stop the magic happening in our life.

Just as giving thanks to others will always lead to our life magically increasing, so must taking things for granted always lead to our life decreasing.
Are you grateful for your health when it’s good? Or do you only notice your health when your body gets sick or hurts? Are you grateful for your job every day, or do you only value your job when you hear there will be cutbacks? Are you grateful for your pay or salary every single time you receive it, or do you take your pay or salary for granted? Are you grateful for your loved ones when everything is running smoothly, or do you only talk to others about your loved ones when there are problems? Are you grateful when your car is working well? Or do you only think of your car when it breaks down?

Are you grateful to be alive each day? Or do you take your life for granted?

Taking things for granted results in complaining, negative thoughts and words. So when you complain, by the law of attraction, you must bring more things into your life to complain about!

If you’re complaining about the weather, the traffic, your boss, your spouse, your family, a friend, a stranger, waiting in lines, bills, the economy, the cost of something, or the service of a company, you are not being grateful, and you’re pushing your dream life further away with every complaint.

Now you understand that complaining, negative thoughts and words, and taking things for granted stops the good things in your life. Now you understand that when something goes very wrong you have unintentionally not been grateful enough. It’s impossible to be negative when you’re grateful. It’s impossible to criticize and blame when you’re grateful. It’s impossible to feel sad or have any negative feeling when you’re grateful.

And the best news is that if you have any negative situations in your life currently, it won’t take a long period of time to transform them with gratitude. The negative situations will disappear in a puff of smoke – just like magic!

First, as difficult as it may be, you have to look for things to be grateful for in the negative situation. No matter how bad things are, you can always find something to be grateful for, especially when you know that your gratitude will magically transform every negative circumstance. Walt Disney, who knew about the true magic of life, showed us how to do this in his movie Pollyanna.

Disney’s 1960 movie Pollyanna featured “The Glad Game,” which had a profound effect on me when I was a child. I played The Glad Game featured in the movie through my childhood and adolescence. To play The Glad Game, you look for as many things as you can to be glad about, especially in a negative situation. Finding things to be glad about (or finding things to be grateful for) in a negative situation make the solutions appear! Walt Disney demonstrated the magical power of gratitude in Pollyanna, and thousands of years earlier Buddha demonstrated the way to use the same magical power when he said:

“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.”
Gautama Buddha (circa 563 BC–483 BC)

Let Buddha’s words be your inspiration, and today take one problem or negative situation in your life that you most want to resolve, and look for ten things to be grateful for. I know it can be challenging to begin this practice, but Buddha is showing you the way to do it. Make a written list of ten things on your computer, or in your gratitude journal.

As an example, your problem might be that you’re out of work, and despite your best efforts, you’re still unemployed. To magically turn this situation around, you have to do a concentrated practice of gratitude on the situation. Here are some examples of what you might say:

  1. I am so grateful to have had more time for my family during this period.
  2. I’m grateful that my life is in a lot better order because of the spare time I’ve had.
  3. I am grateful that I’ve had a job most of my life, and that I am experienced.
  4. I am truly grateful that this is the first time I’ve been unemployed.
  5. I’m grateful that there are jobs out there, and more new jobs are appearing each day.
  6. I am grateful for all the things I’ve learned in applying for jobs and in going for interviews.
  7. I am grateful that I have my health and that I can work.
  8. I’m grateful for my family’s encouragement and support.
  9. I’m grateful for the rest I’ve had, because I needed it.
  10. I’m grateful that through losing my job, I’ve realized how much having a job means to me. I had never realized that until now.

As a result of the unemployed person’s gratitude, they will attract different circumstances, and their current situation must and will magically change. The power of gratitude is greater than any negative situation, and there are unlimited ways that the negative situation can change. All you have to do is practice gratitude and watch the magic take place!

Remember, you can tell your gratitude is working by the way that you feel. You should feel a lot better about the situation after practicing gratitude. The first evidence of gratitude’s magical power working is your feelings lifting, so when you do feel better about it, you know the situation will improve and the solutions will appear. The answer to any negative situation you want to resolve is to focus concentrated gratitude on it until you feel better inside; then you will see the magic work its wonder in the outside world.

In making your written list, make sure you list each of the ten things you’re grateful for in the following way:

I am so grateful for _____________.
Or, I am truly grateful for ______________ .
And finish the sentence with what you’re grateful for. You can also use Walt Disney’s way of using gratitude’s magical power if you find it easier:

I am so glad that .
And finish the sentence with what you’re glad about.

Once you’ve listed ten things you’re grateful for, finish the Magical Way Out of Negativity practice by writing:

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the perfect resolution.

And just for today, see if you can get through one day without saying anything negative. It may be a challenge, but see if you can make it through one day.
There is an important reason to do this, because most of us have no idea how much we speak negatively, but you’ll have an idea after watching your words for a day. Remember that negativity and complaint bring more of those things, and if you’re aware of what you’re saying you can stop and decide if you want the consequences of what you’re about to say. Here is a magic lifeline you can use if you notice yourself thinking or saying something negative.

Stop immediately, and say:

But I have to say that I am really grateful for .

Finish the rest of the sentence with something – anything – that you’re grateful for. Take this magic lifeline with you, and grab a hold of it whenever you need it.

And if any little problem or situation appears in the future, remember to put out the embers with gratitude before it grows into a fire. At the same time you will ignite the magic in your life!



Magic Practice Day 5

Magic Practice Number 5

Magic Money

  1. Repeat steps one to three of Magic Practice Number 1 – Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel gratitude for each one.
  2. Sit down and take a few minutes to think back through your childhood and all the things you received that were provided at no charge to you.
  3. As you recall each memory where money was paid for you, say and feel the magic words, thank you, with all your heart for each instance.
  4. Take a dollar bill or other small bill and write on a sticker that you place on the bill in big bold letters:
  6. Take your Magic Dollar Bill with you today, and at least once in the morning and once in the afternoon, or as many times as you want, take it out and hold the Magic Dollar Bill in your hands. Read your written words and be truly grateful for the abundance of money you’ve been given.
  7. After today, put your Magic Dollar Bill somewhere you will see it every day to remind you to continue to be grateful for the abundance of money you have been given in your life.
  8. Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

Day 5 Magic Money

Day 5
Magic Money

“Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty.”

If there’s a lack of money in your life, understand that feeling worried, envious, jealous, disappointed, discouraged, doubtful, or fearful about money can never bring more money to you, because those feelings come from a lack of gratitude for the money you have. Complaining about money, arguing about money, getting frustrated about money, being critical of the cost of something, or making someone else feel bad about money are not acts of gratitude, and the money in your life can never improve; it will worsen.

No matter what your current situation, the very thought that you don’t have enough money is being ungrateful for the money you have. You have to get your current situation out of your mind and instead feel grateful for the money you do have, so the money in your life can magically increase!

“Whoever has gratitude (for money) will be given more, and she or he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have gratitude (for money), even what she or he has will be taken from her or him.”

Feeling grateful for money when you have very little is challenging for anyone, but when you understand that nothing will change until you’re grateful you will be inspired to do it.

The subject of money can be a tricky one for many people, especially when they don’t have enough, so there are two steps to the Magic Money practice.

It’s important that you read through the entire practice of Magic Money at the beginning of the day, because you will continue with the money practice throughout the day.

Sit down and take a few minutes to think back through your childhood before you had any or much money. As you recall each memory where money was paid for you, say and feel the magic words, thank you, with all your heart for each instance.

  • Did you always have food to eat?
  • Did you live in a home?
  • Did you receive an education over many years?
  • How did you travel to school each day? Did you have schoolbooks, school lunches, and all the things you needed for school?
  • Did you go on any vacations when you were a child?
  • What were the most exciting birthday gifts you received when you were a child?
  • Did you have a bike, toys, or a pet?
  • Did you have clothes as you grew so quickly from one size to the next?
  • Did you go to the movies, play sports, learn a musical instrument, or pursue a hobby?
  • Did you go to the doctor and take medicine when you were not well?
  • Did you go to the dentist?
  • Did you have essential items that you used every day, like your toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, and shampoo?
  • Did you travel in a car?
  • Did you watch television, make phone calls, use lights, electricity, and water?

All of these things cost money, and you received them all – at no charge! As you travel back through memories of your childhood and youth, you’ll realize how many things you received that equate to hard-earned money. Be grateful for every single instance and memory, because when you can feel sincere gratitude for the money you’ve received in the past, your money will magically increase in the future! It is guaranteed by Universal law.

To continue with the practice of Magic Money, take a dollar bill and write on a sticker that you place on the bill:


Take your Magic Dollar Bill with you today and put it in your wallet, purse, or pocket. At least once in the morning and once in the afternoon, or as many times as you want, take it out and hold the Magic Dollar Bill in your hands. Read your written words and be truly grateful for the abundance of money you’ve been given in your life. The more sincere you are, and the more you feel it, the faster you will see a miraculous change to the circumstances of your money.
You will never know ahead of time how your money will increase, but likely you will see many different circumstances change for you to have more money.

You could find money you didn’t realize you had, receive unexpected cash or checks, receive discounts, rebates, or decreases in costs, or receive all kinds of material things that would have cost you money.
After today, put your Magic Dollar Bill in a place where you will continue to see it every day to remind you to be grateful for the abundance of money you have been given, never forgetting that the more times you look at your Magic Dollar Bill and feel gratitude for the money you have been given, the more magic you will bring forth. An abundance of gratitude for money equals an abundance of money!

If you find yourself in a situation where you’re about to complain about something to do with money, whether it’s through your words or your thoughts, ask yourself: “Am I willing to pay the price for this complaint?” Because that one complaint will slow or even stop the flow of money.
From this day forward, make a promise to yourself that whenever you receive any money, whether it’s your salary for work, a refund or discount, or something that someone gives you that costs money, you will be truly grateful for it. Each of these circumstances means that you have received money, and each instance gives you an opportunity to use gratitude’s magical power to increase and multiply your money even more by being grateful for the money you’ve just received!



Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Magic Practice Day 4

Magical Health

  1. Repeat steps one to three of Magic Practice Number 1 – Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread you list, say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel gratitude for each one.
  2. On a piece of paper or card write the words: THE GIFT OF HEALTH IS KEEPING ME ALIVE.
  3. Place the piece of paper with your written words where you know you will see it often today.
  4. On at least four occasions, read the words very slowly, and feel as grateful as you can for the precious gift of health!
  5. Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

Day 4 Magical Health

Day 4
Magical Health

Health is the most precious thing in life, and yet more than anything else, we can take our health for granted. For many of us, the only time we think of our health is when we lose it. Then the realization hits us: without our health, we have nothing.

There’s an Italian proverb that speaks the truth about health for many of us: “He who enjoys good health is rich, though he knows it not.” While we rarely think of our health when we are well, you will have felt the truth of those words even when you had something minor like a cold or the flu, and you were
bedridden. When you are not well, all you want is to feel better, and nothing else matters other than having your health back again.

Health is a gift of life; it is something you receive and continue to receive, each day. In addition to everything else we do to be healthy, we have to be
grateful for our health to continue to receive more health!

“Whoever has gratitude (for health) will be given more, and he or she will have an abundance. Whoever does not have gratitude (for health), even what he or she has will be taken from him or her.”

You may know of people who chose a healthy lifestyle and yet still lost their health. Giving thanks in return for the health you are receiving is vital. When you are grateful for your health, you will not only maintain your current health, at the same time you will set the magic into motion to increase the flow of health to you. You will also begin to see the improvements to your health happen right away. Little aches and pains, moles, scars, or marks will start to magically disappear, and you will notice your energy, vitality, and happiness increase markedly.

As you will learn in a later practice, through the daily practice of gratitude for your health, you can improve your eyesight, hearing, and all of your senses, along with every function in your entire body. And all of it happens like magic!

“Gratitude is a vaccine, an antitoxin, and an antiseptic.”
John Henry Jowett (1864–1923)

The degree that you are grateful for your health is the exact degree that your health will magically increase, and the degree that you’re not grateful is the exact degree that your health will decrease. Living with a decreased amount of health means your energy, vitality, immune system, clarity of thought, and every other function of your body and mind is weakened.

Being grateful for your health ensures that you will continue to receive more health to be grateful for, and at the same time it eliminates stress and tension in your body and mind. Scientific research studies have shown that stress and tension are at the root of many diseases. Studies have also revealed that people who practice gratitude heal faster, and are likely to live seven years longer!

You can see in the state of your health right now how grateful you have been. You should feel amazing every day. If you feel heavy and life feels like a real effort to get through, or if you don’t feel younger than your age, then you are living with decreased health. One of the major causes of this loss of vitality is a lack of gratitude. All of that is about to change, though, because you are going to use gratitude’s magical power for the health of your body!

The Magical Health practice begins with reading through the following paragraphs about the health of your body. After you read each italicized line for a particular part of your body, close your eyes and mentally repeat the italicized line, feeling as grateful as you can for that part of your body. Remember that when you think about why you’re grateful, it will help you feel gratitude more deeply, and the deeper you feel it, the faster you will feel and see the amazing results in your body.

Think about your legs and feet; they are your main form of transportation in your life. Think about all the things you use your legs for, like balancing, standing up, sitting down, exercising, dancing, climbing steps, driving a car, and, most of all, the miracle of walking. Your legs and feet allow you to walk around your home, walk to the bathroom, go to the kitchen to get a drink, and walk to your car. Your legs and feet allow you to walk around stores, down the streets, through an airport, and along the beach. The ability to walk gives us freedom to enjoy life! Say thank you for my legs and feet, and really mean it.

Think about your arms and hands and how many things you pick up and hold in one day. Your hands are the major tools of your life, and they are in nonstop use all day long, every day. Your hands allow you to write, eat a meal, use a phone or computer, shower, get dressed, use the bathroom, pick up things and hold them, and do everything for yourself. Without the use of your hands you would be dependent on other people to do things for you. Say thank you for my arms, hands, and fingers!

Think about your amazing senses. Your sense of taste gives you so much pleasure multiple times throughout the day as you eat and drink. You know from losing your sense of taste through a cold that the joy of eating and drinking disappears without being able to taste food or drinks. Say thank you for my amazing sense of taste!

Your sense of smell enables you to experience the beautiful fragrances of life: flowers, perfumes, clean sheets, dinner as it’s cooking, a fire burning on a winter’s night, the air on a summer’s day, freshly cut grass, the smell of the earth after rain. Say thank you for my wonderful sense of smell!

If you didn’t have a sense of touch, you would never know hot from cold, soft from sharp, or smooth from rough. You would never be able to feel objects, or physically express love or receive it. Your sense of touch allows you to touch your loved ones with a reassuring hug, and to feel the touch of a hand from one human being to another is one of the most precious things in life. Say thank you for my precious sense of touch!

Think about the miracle of your eyes, which enable you to see the faces of your loved ones and friends, read printed books, newspapers, and emails, watch television, see the beauty of nature, and, most importantly, see your way through life. Just put a blindfold on for an hour and try to do what you normally do, and you will appreciate your eyes. Say thank you for my eyes that enable me to see everything!

Think about your ears, which enable you to hear your own voice and other people’s voices so you can talk to people. Without ears and your sense of hearing you could not use a phone, hear music, listen to the radio, hear your loved ones talk, or hear any of the sounds of the world around you. Say thank you for my hearing!

And to use any of your senses would be impossible without your brain, which processes over a million messages a second through all of your senses! It is actually your brain that enables you to sense and experience life, and there is no computer technology in the world that can duplicate it. Say thank you for
my brain and my beautiful mind!

Think about the trillions of cells working unceasingly, 24/7, for your health, body, and life. Say thank you cells! Think about your life-sustaining organs, which are continuously filtering, cleaning, and renewing everything in your body, and think about the fact that they do all their work automatically without you
even having to think about it. Say thank you, organs, for working perfectly!

But more miraculous than any sense, system, function, or other organ in our body, is the organ of your heart. Your heart governs the life of every other organ, because it is your heart that keeps the life flowing to every system in your body. Say thank you for my strong and healthy heart!

Next, take a piece of paper or a card, and write on it in big bold letters:


Take the card with you today, and put it in a place where you know you will see it often. If you work at a desk, you can put it right in front of you. If you’re a driver, put it in a place in your car or truck where you will see it often. If you’re at home most of the time, you can put it where you wash your hands, or near
your phone. Choose a place where you know you will see the words you’ve written often.

Today, on at least four separate occasions, when you see the words read them very slowly, one word at a time, and feel as grateful as you can for the gift of health.

Being grateful for your health is essential to keep your health, but also to guarantee that it continues to get better, with increasing energy and zest for life. If gratitude were used in conjunction with conventional medical treatments, we would see a health revolution, and recovery rates and miracles like we’ve never seen before.



Monday, June 2, 2014

Magic Practice Day 3

Magic Practice Number 3

Magical Relationships

  1. Repeat steps one to three of Magic Practice Number 1 – Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your
  2. list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.
  3. Choose three of your closest relationships and collect a photograph of each person.
  4. With the photo in front of you, write five things you are most grateful for about each person, in your journal or on your computer.
  5. Begin each sentence with the magic words, thank you, include their name, and what you’re specifically grateful for.
  6. Carry the three photographs with you today, or put them in a place where you will see them often. Look at the photographs on at least three occasions, speak to the person’s face in the photograph, and thank them by saying the magic words, thank you, and their name. Thank you, Hayley.
  7. Before you go to sleep, take your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day



Day 3 Magical Relationships

Day 3
Magical Relationships

Imagine if you were the only person on Earth; you would have no desire to do anything. What would be the point in creating a painting if no one could see it? What would be the point in composing music if no one could hear it? What would be the point in inventing anything if there was no one to use it?

There would be no reason to move from one place to another because wherever you went would be the same as where you were – no one would be there. There would be no pleasure or joy in your life.
It’s your contact and experiences with other people that give your life joy, meaning, and purpose. Because of that, your relationships affect your life more than anything else. To receive the life of your dreams, it’s vital that you understand how your relationships affect your life now, and how they are the most powerful channels for gratitude to start magically changing your life.

Science is now confirming the wisdom of the great sages of the past, with research studies showing that people who practice gratitude have closer relationships, are more connected to family and friends, and have other people look upon them favorably. But probably the most astounding statistic that has come out of research studies is that for every one complaint about another person, whether in thought or word, there have to be ten blessings for the relationship to flourish. Any less than ten blessings for every one complaint and the relationship will deteriorate, and, if the relationship is a marriage, it will most likely end in divorce.

Gratitude makes relationships flourish. As you increase your gratitude for any relationship, you will magically receive an abundance of happiness and good things in that relationship. And gratitude for your relationships doesn’t change only your relationships; it also changes you. No matter what your temperament is now, gratitude will give you more patience, understanding, compassion, and kindness, to the point where you won’t even recognize yourself. The little irritations you once felt and the complaints you had in your relationships will disappear, because when you’re truly grateful for another person, there’s nothing you want to change about that person. You won’t criticize, complain about, or blame them, because you’re too busy being grateful for the good things about them. In fact, you won’t even be able to see the things you used to complain about.

“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”
Thornton Wilder (1897–1975)

Words are very powerful, so when you complain about any person you actually harm your life. It is your life that will suffer. By the law of attraction whatever you think or say about another person, you bring to you. This is the very reason why the greatest minds and teachers of the world have told us to be grateful. They knew that for you to receive more in your life, for your life to magically increase, you have to be grateful for others just as they are. What if every person close to you said, “I love you – just the way you are,” how would you feel?

Today’s magical practice is being grateful for people just as they are! Even if all of your relationships are currently good, they will increase with more magnificence through this practice. And with everything you find to be grateful for in each person, you will see gratitude perform its breathtaking magic, and your relationships will be stronger, more fulfilling, and more enriching than you ever thought they could be.

Choose three of your closest relationships to be grateful for. You might choose your wife, your son, and your father, or your boyfriend, your business partner, and your sister. You might choose your best friend, your grandmother, and your uncle. You can choose any three relationships that are important to you, as long as you have a photograph of each person. The photograph can be just of the person, or the both of you together.

Once you have selected your three relationships and photographs, you are ready to set the magic into motion. Sit down and think about the things you are the most grateful for about each person. What are the things you love the most about this person? What are their best qualities? You could be grateful for their patience, ability to listen, talents, strength, good judgment, wisdom, laugh, sense of humor, eyes, smile, or kind heart. You could be grateful for the things you enjoy doing with the person, or you can recall a time when the person was there for you, cared for, or supported you.

After you’ve spent some time thinking about what you’re grateful for about the person, put their photograph in front of you, and with a pen and notebook, or on your computer, choose the five things you are the most grateful for. Look at the photograph of the person as you make your list of five things, begin each sentence with the magic words, thank you, address the person by their name, and then write what you’re grateful for.

Thank you, their name , for what? 

For example, “Thank you, John, for always making me laugh.” Or, “Thank you, Mom, for supporting me through college.”

When you’ve finished your lists for all three people, continue with this magical practice by taking the photographs with you today and putting them in a place where you will see them often. Whenever you look at the photographs today, thank the person by saying the magic words, thank you, and the
person’s name:

Thank you, Hayley.

If you’re moving around a lot, carry the photographs with you in your bag or pocket, and make an effort to look at the photographs three times during the day, following the same procedure.
Now you know how to use gratitude’s magical power to transform your relationships into Magical Relationships. Although it is not part of the requirement of this book, you may want to take this amazing practice and use it every day if necessary to make every relationship you have magnificent. You can use it
on the same relationship as many times as you want. The more you can be grateful for the good things in your relationships, the faster every relationship in your life will miraculously change.



Magic Practice - Day 2

The Magic Rock

  1. Repeat steps one to three of Magic Practice Number 1 – Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your
  2. list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.
  3. Find a Magic Rock and put it by your bedside.
  4. Before going to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in your hand and think of the best thing that happened today.
  5. Say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened today.
  6. Repeat the Magic Rock practice every night for the next 26 days.
  7. Read tomorrow’s magical practice today.



Day 2 - The Magic Rock

Day 2
The Magic Rock

“Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some.”
Charles Dickens (1812–1870)

In the beginning of working with these practices, it takes concentrated days in a row to make gratitude a habit. Anything that reminds you to be grateful is helping you turn your life into gold with gratitude, and that’s exactly what this magical practice is about.

Lee Brower presented the gratitude rock practice in The Secret film and book, when he told us the story of the father of a dying child who used a gratitude rock to be grateful for his son’s health, and his son made a miraculous recovery. Since then the gratitude rock has been a proven success with many people the world over, who have used it for money, healing, and happiness.

First, find a rock or a stone. Choose a small size that fits in the palm of your hand and that you can close your fingers around. Choose a rock that is smooth, without sharp edges, not too weighty, and that feels really good in your hand when you hold it.

You can find a Magic Rock from your garden if you have one, or from a riverbed, creek, ocean, or park. If you don’t have easy access to any of these places, then ask your neighbors, family, or friends. You may even have a precious rock or stone already that you can use as your Magic Rock.

When you have found your Magic Rock, put it by your bedside, in a place where you will definitely see it when you go to bed. Clear some space if necessary so that you can easily see your Magic Rock when you go to bed. If you use an alarm clock, put it next to your alarm clock.

Tonight, just before you get into bed to go to sleep, pick up your Magic Rock, hold it in the palm of one hand, and close your fingers around it.

Think back carefully through all the good things that happened during the day, and find the best thing that happened that you’re grateful for. Then say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened. Return the Magic Rock to its place by your bed. And that’s it!

Every night for the next 26 days, follow the same Magic Rock practice. Before you go to sleep, think back through the day, and find the best thing that happened that day. While holding your Magic Rock in your hand, be as grateful as you can be for that thing, and say thank you.

Using a rock seems like such a simple thing to do, but through this practice you will see magical things begin to happen in your life.

When you look for the best thing that happened during the day, you will search through many good things that happened, and in the process of searching and then deciding on the best one you are actually thinking of many things you’re grateful for. You will also be ensuring that you go to sleep and wake up in gratitude each day.

The Count Your Blessings and Magic Rock practices will ensure that you begin and end your days in a state of gratitude. In fact, they are so powerful that together they would change your life in a few months. But this book is designed to change your life really fast through an abundance of magical practices.

Because gratitude is magnetic and attracts more things to be grateful for, the concentration of gratitude over 28 days will intensify the magnetic force of your gratitude. When you have a strong magnetic force of gratitude, like magic, you automatically magnetize everything you want and need to you!

Magic Reminder

Be sure to read tomorrow’s magical practice sometime today, as you will need to collect some photographs before you begin.



Sunday, June 1, 2014

DAY 1 - The Magic - Count Your Blessings - Practice

Magic Practice Number 1

Count Your Blessings

  1. First thing in the morning, make a list of ten blessings in your life you are grateful for.
  2. Write why you’re grateful for each blessing.
  3. Go back and read your list, either in your mind or out loud. When you get to the end of each one, say the magic words, thank you, thank you, thank
  4. you, and feel the gratitude for that blessing as much as you possibly can.
  5. Repeat the first three steps of this magical practice every morning for the next 27 days.
  6. Read tomorrow’s magical practice today.

DAY 1 - The Magic - Count Your Blessings

Day 1
Count Your Blessings

“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.”
Willie Nelson (B. 1933)

You will have heard people say to count your blessings, and when you think about the things you’re grateful for, that’s exactly what you’re doing. But what you may not have realized is that counting your blessings is one of the most powerful practices you can ever do, and it will magically turn your whole life around!

When you’re grateful for the things you have, no matter how small they may be, you will see those things instantly increase. If you’re grateful for the money you have, however little, you will see your money magically grow. If you’re grateful for a relationship, even if it’s not perfect, you will see it miraculously get even better. If you’re grateful for the job that you have, even if it’s not your dream job, things will begin to change so that you enjoy your job more, and all kinds of opportunities for your work will suddenly appear.
The flipside is that when we’re not counting our blessings, we can fall into the trap of unintentionally counting negative things. We count negative things when we talk about the things we don’t have. We count negative things when we criticize or find fault with other people, when we complain about traffic, waiting in lines, delays, the government, not enough money, or the weather. When we count negative things they increase too, but on top of that, with every negative thing we count, we cancel out blessings that were on their way. I have tried both – counting my blessings and counting negative things – and I can assure you that counting your blessings is the only way to have abundance in your life.

First thing in the morning, or as early in the day as you can, Count Your Blessings. You can write out your list by hand, type it on a computer, or use a special book or journal and keep all of your gratitude in one place. Today, you are going to make a simple list of ten blessings in your life you are grateful

When Einstein gave thanks, he thought about why he was grateful. When you think about the reason why you’re grateful for a particular thing, person, or situation, you will feel gratitude more deeply. Remember that the magic of gratitude happens according to the degree of your feeling! So with each item on your list write the reason why you’re grateful for it.

Here are some ideas for writing your list:

I am truly blessed to have what? ,
because why? .

I am so happy and grateful for what? ,
because why? .

I am truly grateful for what? ,
because why? .

With all my heart, thank you for what? ,
because why? .

After you’ve finished making your list of ten blessings, go back and read each one, either in your mind or out loud. When you get to the end of each blessing, say the magic words three times, thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel the gratitude for that blessing as much as you possibly can.
To help you feel more gratitude, you can be grateful to the Universe, God, Spirit, goodness, life, your greater self, or any other concept you are drawn to. When you direct gratitude toward something or someone, you will feel it even more, and your gratitude will have even more power, and create even more magic! It’s the reason why indigenous and ancient cultures chose symbols like the sun to direct their gratitude toward. They were simply using physical symbols to represent the universal source of all goodness, and in focusing on that symbol they felt more gratitude.
The practice of counting your blessings is so simple and so powerful in altering your life, that I want you to continue to add ten more blessings to your list every day for the next 27 days. You might think it could be difficult to find ten things you’re grateful for every day, but the more you think about it, the more you will realize how much you have to be grateful for. Look closely at your life; you have received, and are continuing to receive so much each and every day. There is really so much to give thanks for!

You could be grateful for your home, your family, your friends, your work, and your pets. You could be thankful for the sun, the water that you drink, the food that you eat, and the air that you breathe; without any of them you wouldn’t be alive. You could be grateful for the trees, the animals, the oceans, the birds,
the flowers, the plants, blue skies, rain, the stars, the moon, and our beautiful planet Earth.

You could be grateful for your senses: your eyes that see, your ears that hear, your mouth that tastes, your nose that smells, and your skin that enables you to feel. You could be grateful for the legs you walk on, your hands that you use to do almost everything, your voice that enables you to express yourself and communicate with others. You could give thanks for your amazing immune system that keeps you well, and all of your organs that maintain your body so that you can live. And what about the magnificence of your human mind, which no computer technology in the world can duplicate?

Here is a list of subjects that will remind you of the major areas you can look for blessings to be grateful for. You can also add any subject you want depending on what is important to you at any time.

Magic Gratitude Subjects:

  • Health and body
  • Work and success
  • Money
  • Relationships
  • Passions
  • Happiness
  • Love
  • Life
  • Nature: planet Earth, air, water, and the sun
  • Material goods and services

Any subject of your choosing

You should feel significantly better and happier after each time you Count Your Blessings, and how good you feel is your measure of how much gratitude you felt. The more gratitude you felt, the happier you will feel, and the faster your life will change. Some days you will feel happy really quickly, and other
days it may take a little longer. But as you continue to Count Your Blessings every day, you will notice a bigger and bigger difference in the way you feel each time, and you will see your blessings magically multiply!

Magic Reminder

Make sure to read tomorrow’s magical practice some-time today, as you will need to do something specific before you begin tomorrow.



Do You Believe in Magic?

"Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it."
Roald Dahl (1916–1990)

 Remember when you were a child and you looked at life in total wonder and awe? Life was magical and exciting, and the smallest things were utterly thrilling to you. You were fascinated by the frost on the grass, a butterfly flittering through the air, or any strange leaf or rock on the ground.

You were full of excitement when you lost a tooth, because it meant the Tooth Fairy would be coming that night, and you would count down the days to that magical night of Christmas! Even though you had no idea how Santa Claus could get to every child in the world in one night, somehow he did it, and he never let you down.

Reindeer could fly, there were fairies in the garden, pets were like people, toys had personalities, dreams came true, and you could touch the stars. Your heart was full of joy, your imagination knew no limits, and you believed that life was magical!

There is an exquisite feeling many of us had as children, that everything is good, that every day promises more excitement and adventure, and that nothing could ever thwart our joy for the magic of it all. But somehow as we grew into adults, responsibilities, problems, and difficulties took their toll on us, we became disillusioned, and the magic we once believed in as children faded and disappeared. It’s one of the reasons why as adults we love to be around children, so that we can experience that feeling we once had, even if it’s just for a moment.

I am here to tell you that the magic you once believed in is true, and it’s the disillusioned adult perspective of life that is false. The magic of life is real – and it’s as real as you are. In fact, life can be far more wondrous than you ever thought it was as a child, and more breathtaking, awe-inspiring, and exciting than anything you’ve seen before. When you know what to do to bring forth the magic, you will live the life of your dreams. Then, you will wonder how you ever could have given up in believing in the magic of life!

You may not see reindeer fly, but you will see the things you’ve always wanted appearing before your eyes, and you will see the things you’ve dreamed of for so long suddenly happening. You will never know exactly how everything weaved together for your dreams to come true, because magic works in the invisible realm – and that’s the most thrilling part!

Are you ready to experience the magic again? Are you ready to be filled with awe and wonder every day like when you were a child? Get ready for the magic!

Our adventure begins two thousand years ago, when life-changing knowledge was hidden within a sacred text . . .




For more than twenty centuries, words within a sacred text have mystified, confused, and been misunderstood by almost all who read them. Only a very few people through history have realized that the words are a riddle, and that once you solve the riddle - once you uncover the mystery – a new world will
appear before your eyes.

In The Magic, Rhonda Byrne reveals this life-changing knowledge to the world. Then, on an incredible 28-day journey, she teaches you how to apply this knowledge in your everyday life.

No matter who you are, no matter where you are, no matter what your current circumstances, The Magic is going to change your entire life!
